
Confusion Sucks, But….

Confusion sucks.  But you know what makes it unbearable?  When you insist that you no longer be confused immediately. If you are ok with and accept the confusion as a temporary situation, you will relax, drain the moment of 90 percent of its stress, and begin to see more clearly. Then, rather than analyzing too […]

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Oppressive Urgency

If you feel an oppressive sense of urgency all the time, like you aren’t getting things done, let me make a suggestion. Rather than rushing and hurrying and trying to force your day to yield up its treasure, focus instead on starting everything earlier and building structure into your day. By starting earlier you can […]

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Stay Focused On Your Goal

Get Focused

Often you won’t reach your goal immediately.  You might even feel like you aren’t making progress. Stay focused on your goal.  Keep it in your mind.  Keep writing it down.  Don’t lose heart. Here is a very minor example from my own life.  For months, I realized that I needed to wake up earlier and get the […]

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What Makes You An Authority?

What Makes You An Authority? Good Question.

Why is one person the authority and the other person consuming (listening to) his/her perspective? This is a tricky business, but it boils down to two items probably in equal measure:Experience and knowledgeThe presumption that one knows what he is doing and should share it with othersMost people with tremendous experience and knowledge are nonetheless shy […]

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You choose to be happy every day. You can choose to make each moment as positive and productive (in the sense of producing the best result) as possible.  Choose to be happy now, in this moment.  It isn’t over the horizon contingent upon achievement.  Choose now. There is a balance between producing and consuming.  Almost […]

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Pieces on a Board……

In society, which roles compare to which pieces on chess board?Knight = A military officer.Bishop = An entrepreneur.  Highly maneuverable, but not at the true pinnacle of power.Queen = Leader of a country.  Supreme power.King = A Billionaire without dynamism (maybe inherited wealth).Pawn = Virtually everyone.Rook = Spiritual leader.  Generally stays within certain lines, but […]

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What’s Draining Your Energy?

Energy Drain - What's Draining Your Energy?

What’s Draining Your Energy?  Why?  What people?  What things?  Why do you let this persist?  Do cords need to be cut?  You can make the necessary changes, and you can do so compassionately.Think about it.  Gently fix the situation if the time is right.Otherwise, how will you make progress?

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