

Entrepreneurship, Making A Living Online, And Everything In-Between 

See My Other Sites MightyInvestor.com and FictionShots.com.

Latest From The Blog

Is This Working?
There is a difference between ambient self-doubt and asking yourself, "Is this [specific thing] working?"Self-doubt wastes time and energy and[...]
Instead of “Action Item,” Make it just, “Fun”
In the modern world, many of us have drifted towards a hyper-productivity mindset. The mantra has become, "crank it out."Yes,[...]
Life Formulas
In the modern world, we are bombarded with information.  Nonstop.  Because of this, we need to develop the ability to[...]

Popular Posts

Success Through Massive Action – How It REALLY Works
You often hear or read about "taking massive action" to change your life circumstances, jumpstart a business, get in shape,[...]
The Rolling 90 Day Challenge
I've written before about the 90-day challenge. Indeed, tomjohnston.org grew out of a challenge where I committed to write a[...]
Do You Like Creating Things, Or Just The Idea Of Entrepreneurship?
You will find out quickly if you do a 90-day challenge. I participated in an interview yesterday with Miles Beckler[...]
Get A Fast Server. For Your Own Peace Of Mind.
I just switched my websites from Hostgator's most basic plan to SiteGround.com. It's crazy how much faster my websites are.[...]
The Sheep Farmers of New Zealand Are My Inspiration
I've written before about being yourself online and the need to let your personality hang out there if you are[...]
Walk, Don’t Run
Early in my career as a diplomat, a more senior Foreign Service Officer gave me an interesting piece of advice.[...]

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