
Constantly Unsubscribe

I am often amazed when I see a friend or colleague’s personal email inbox chock full of random emails and promotions.  Think of the time and attention you are wasting each day deleting all these dozens (or more) of emails. Here’s an easy tip to free up time. Just constantly unsubscribe from any lists you […]

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When You Can’t Find A Solution

When you can’t find a solution, stop.  Step back.  Let your mind relax–whether for five minutes an hour, a day, or longer.  Trying to force your mind to find a solution can be dangerous, both for your health and for deriving optional solutions to challenges. Usually, if you are really stuck, you are not framing […]

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Take A Free HTML and CSS Course Online

Not everyone has to code, and only a few will ever pursue software development as a profession.  But, in the modern world, I believe everyone with a decent intelligence level should take a free introductory programming course online.  I suggest you take the free courses for HTML and CSS.  It will simply give you better […]

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Skill to Master: What Not to Care About

People who are ambitious and want to build something significant in this world often stumble with developing a key skill: what not to care about. They want everything to be perfect so they “overindex” as they say in the software world on things that don’t matter or that someone else could do. They agonize over […]

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You Can Become More Confident. Here’s How.

Make a list of what you have succeeded at in life.  Review this list.  ALL of us have some successes.  Just reminding yourself of where you have done well will give you a boost. Confidence comes from successfully accomplishing goals over time.  So get out there and work on different projects.  There more you do […]

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Stick with the WordPress Defaults

Stick With The Wordpress Defaults

If you are building a content-oriented blog or website, I suggest you simply use the basic template in your theme for structuring blog posts and pages.  What do I mean by this?  Don’t get so persnickety that you have to center every blog post heading and make it bold.  Or move the first paragraph down […]

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Thoughts on Using TDP.ME Effectively

If you haven’t used TDP.ME, I highly recommend it.  TDP.ME allows you to register daily goals and track your progress over time.  If you’ve never been to the site, go ahead and check it out now. Seriously. Go ahead. I’ll wait…. What did you think? Cool, no? So here are my thoughts on how to […]

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