
Stick with the WordPress Defaults

Stick With The Wordpress Defaults

If you are building a content-oriented blog or website, I suggest you simply use the basic template in your theme for structuring blog posts and pages.  What do I mean by this?  Don’t get so persnickety that you have to center every blog post heading and make it bold.  Or move the first paragraph down one space below the title on every posting.

Just pick a great theme and go with the defaults.  You will save tons of time over the long-haul.  Time you can spend creating content that touches people’s lives.

Think about it.  When you go to your favorite webpage (unless you are in the design business) do you spend much time analyzing whether the title is centered or a slightly bigger font or whatever?  No.  You like your favorite blogger’s perspective first and foremost.

An added benefit is that if you stick with the defaults and initially build a quality website, you don’t need to hire out web developers to tweak your site this way and that.

What’s the ROI on constant fine tuning–in life or website design….?  So just plug your content in and keep on rolling.

What do you think?  Stick with the defaults?

(See related thoughts about using a visual editor in WordPress here.)

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