- in Mindset
What’s The Opposite of Fear?

There isn’t really a word for living without fear. There is “fearless,” but that just means a lack of fear.
Here are the closest words I’m aware of:
- certain
- sure
- confident
- bold
- fearless
- unafraid
- assured
- dauntless
- valiant
Isn’t it amazing that there is no word that stands for the pure opposite of Fear? So many of the above words just mean the lack of something, “UN-afraid, fear-LESS, daunt-LESS.” Or, the above words have something more to them–like charging into battle. You don’t have to be bold or dauntless to lack fear, though you might be.
But it is a real quality, the opposite of fear, a wonderful quality, perhaps the quality we should strive for above all others (along with compassion).
The closest word that I can come up with is free….