- in Mindset
What would your life look like if you had no fear?

I’ll can tell you what mine would look like.
- I’d find the exact home I want to live in, and I’d buy it with cash.
- Every time I saw a woman I find seriously attractive (not just good looking), I’d walk up to her and strike up a conversation. If she seemed interested, I’d ask for her phone number or to take her on a date.
- I would invest even more actively than I do.
- I wouldn’t rewrite so much.
- My writing would be less caveated.
- I would not think about decisions as much.
As it currently stands, I’ve got the balls to take massive leaps (and I do), but they are wracked by a lot of self-doubt and worry. It’s such a waste.
What about you? What would your life look like if you had no fear?