- in Success
The Rolling 90 Day Challenge

I’ve written before about the 90-day challenge. Indeed, tomjohnston.org grew out of a challenge where I committed to write a new blog post for 90 days in a row. I made it 155 days straight. Your momentum becomes so strong that you just keep right on going.
I’ve since launched two more 90-day challenges. One to practice Yoga for at least 10 minutes per day, another to wear a Fitbit tracking device. I’ve set the bar intentionally low for these challenges. In the case of 10 minutes of Yoga, more often than not, I keep going well beyond 10 minutes. And that’s the beauty of structuring the challenge just to get you started each day. Similarly, I have no set step goals daily with the Fitbit. I simply have to wear it all day every day. Already, just having that tracker on my wrist has me walking roughly double the steps on average.
The Rolling 90 Day Challenge
This brings me to the heart of this post. I plan to pursue for an entire year a constant rolling 90-day challenge of one sort or another. That is, as one challenge concludes, another begins. I’m using these efforts to tackle goals that have floated around in my mind for years, but that I never quite got going. Again, the key is to set the bar exceptionally low so that nothing holds you back from starting each day. This “rolling 90-day challenge challenge” is premised on my belief that if have an urge to do something over a long time that is a signal about latent potential. The best way to actuate that potential is to take action. However, action can be daunting. The best way to build momentum is to take baby steps combined with a discipline to take those baby steps repeatedly.
In general, you will hold yourself to account more if you tell others about your challenge. However, some 90-day challenges are deeply personal and don’t need to be shared, particularly not before or during the challenge. I plan to launch just such a “personal challenge” tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe I’ll even tell you all about the focus and results in three months….