
Simplify Your Life – It Is Easier To Subtract Than To Add

Simplify Your Life Through Subtraction

Trying to simplify your life, but struggling or lacking energy?  The answer may be closer than you think.  Here’s one technique to help you on your path.Don’t do something.  Instead, subtract something.

​Simplify Your Life Through Subtraction

  • Subtract sugar–see what happens 
  • Subtract time with someone you don’t really like 
  • Subtract a hobby you actually don’t enjoy 
  • Subtract an expense that isn’t necessary 
  • Subtract something you read daily that doesn’t actually mean much to you 

Less Busyness = More Focus 

When you subtract unnecessary elements from your day-to-day life, you leverage the power of focus.  Through focus you will experience better health, attain more wealth, achieve your most important goals, and truly simplify your life.  Enough said.

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