
Here’s Why I’m Learning Ruby On Rails First

Michael Hartl Learn Ruby on Rails

I wrote recently about learning the Ruby on Rails programming framework.  That post outlined some initial thoughts on why I picked Ruby, but I decided to expand on this for readers with an interest in learning programming. There is a raging debate these days on whether new programmers should first learn Ruby and RoR or JavaScript […]

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The Entrepreneurial Curve

The Entrepreneurial Curve

You’re gonna flail, flail, flail till something goes hyperbolic*.  Or you quit and go get a job. The flailing is also called learning. *Hyperbolic doesn’t have to mean silicon valley style unicorn.  It might just mean you build a business that makes a nice living.  

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Your Internal Gyroscope

Let Your Internal Gyroscope Spin True

“A wisdom figure is someone who is seen to have arrived at an inner center and lives out of the resource found there.” ~ Murray SteinMany years ago, I read William Manchester’s biography of Winston Churchill, The Last Lion.  Many vivid passages from that book remain with me year after year, but one stands out in […]

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“Thought Blooms”

One of the most fascinating experience I have had as I walk the road of online entrepreneurship is what I call “thought blooms.” You grind along for days and days.  Slowly eking out progress.  Learning the trade.  Clarifying your focus. Then, out of nowhere

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