
Category Archives for "Writing"

WordPress Pro Tips – The Quick And Dirty Guide

WordPress Pro Tips - The Quick And Dirty Guide

I’m not a pro yet at WordPress and internet entrepreneurship, but we are moving up the learning curve pretty quickly. After six months working full-time building TomJohnston.org and MightyInvestor.com, I’ve already made a ton of tiny mistakes.  Errors you won’t have to make if you read this quick and dirty guide. WordPress Pro Tips Checklist […]

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What Not To Include In Your Blog

What Not To Include In Your Blog

When building an internet business, it’s important to think about what not to include.  The most successful brands and websites have a focus and clarity of purpose. A site that details the best deals on cash back and travel credit cards is more likely to flourish than one focused on everything under the sun–and, oh […]

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Stick with the WordPress Defaults

Stick With The Wordpress Defaults

If you are building a content-oriented blog or website, I suggest you simply use the basic template in your theme for structuring blog posts and pages.  What do I mean by this?  Don’t get so persnickety that you have to center every blog post heading and make it bold.  Or move the first paragraph down […]

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George Lucas On Being Productive At Writing

I have always found the following comments from George Lucas on what Francis Ford Coppola told him about writing a script to be helpful.  Apparently the conversation happened early in Lucas’ career, sometime in the 1970s.  I wish I had a link or a book to quote from directly, but I don’t recall where I […]

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