
Bookcision – A Free Tool To Download Your Kindle Book Highlights

How To Download Your Kindle Book Highlights

If you are like me, you love books — and you love reading books on Kindle.  After all, how else can you tote an infinite library of books around the world with no worries about weight, damage, or loss?

I also love that you can highlight key passages in books you read and then circle back to those highlights later–either in the Kindle book itself or at https://read.amazon.com/notebook (where you can find all your book highlights and notes in one place).

But for some of us, we also want to have a separate copy of our highlights taken on Kindle books.  This is especially true if you are a writer who likes to draw on quotes as you write about specific topics, etc.

I’ve tried in the past to find a simple download solution to get your highlights off of a Kindle book, and it always seemed kludgy or complicated.  Until today.

Enter Bookcision.  A free bookmark plugin that works with your browser (won Windows or MacOS) to download your notes.  The name is a bit much.  Bookcision?  Yuk.  But the tool itself is amazing.

With a couple of clicks, you have a nice .txt file of each book’s highlights that you can do whatever you want with.

Here’s the link to Bookcision with instructions.  I think you’ll love this tool as much as I do.

Happy reading!

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