
Category Archives for "Unite"

Trust Your Heart

Trust Your Heart

Trust your heart.  In life, we aren’t taught to listen to our heart.  Work on this.  You will be much happier.  Here’s a hint: one symptom when you are going against heart is feeling a tightness in your chest and throat.  Back off from what you are about to do if you get that feeling

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Finding God’s Grace in Your Life

Finding God's Grace

We can all live with God’s grace.  Sometimes we fall away from this wondrous state. Following are a few humble suggestions for realigning with God’s grace. Living With God’s Grace Be aware that you can live in harmony with God.  Have this as a goal, hope, and prayer. Pray often.  Prayer is how you communicate […]

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Mind With God

Mind With God

How would your mind look if it was aligned with God?Less think think think.More gentle know know know.Intuition (aka thoughts from God) would guide you.Calculation would play less of a role in most (though not all) areas.You would radiate peace.You would look kindly on the foibles of others and yourself.Cravings would diminish, then disappear.Love would […]

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On Struggle

On Struggle

Why do you struggle?  This is a great question. Here’s one suggestion, not always the answer perhaps, but one suggestion nonetheless. Perhaps you remain beclouded so that you read, think, experience, and learn things that bring you closer

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Chasing the World of Form

Chasing The World of Form

Much of our society encourages aggressive fulfillment in the world of form. That means having the “right” house, “right” spouse, “right” body, etc.  There’s just one problem:this often leaves people empty and forever chasing more and more. 

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Atma and Maya

Atma and Maya

Sometimes we can become buried in Maya. For those who are aware of their spiritual side, this can quickly become unhealthy.  On over focus on Maya is uncomfortable.  Your awareness of yourself becomes submerged in busyness.

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