Category Archives for "Know"
“A wisdom figure is someone who is seen to have arrived at an inner center and lives out of the resource found there.” ~ Murray Stein Many years ago, I read William Manchester’s biography of Winston Churchill, The Last Lion. Many vivid passages from that book remain with me year after year, but one stands out […]
continue reading...I have a little secret for you. You can feel regret even when you make the right decision. Why? Because even if you make a change that is best for your life and for those around you, you will be giving something up. Something dies
continue reading...Always. Why? Because life is eternal. So why rush?
continue reading...“A wisdom figure is someone who is seen to have arrived at an inner center and lives out of the resource found there.” ~ Murray Stein
continue reading...Until you realize that you don’t need them to be happy. It’s life’s way of teaching you where joy really comes from. ~
continue reading...Americans and other nationalities of a certain class and education level seem to have been educated right out of listening to their bodies. It’s as if the emphasis on critical thinking (generally a good thing) displaced intuitive perception to our detriment. Listen to your body.
continue reading...Have you ever thought about thoughts? What they are? Thoughts are something of a mystery, and the ultimate answer of just what thoughts are is above my pay grade. But I do have something for you to consider as you contemplate the power of thought. Thoughts are things. Every thought you ever indulge has an […]
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